Tuesday, July 16, 2013

June 1st

As I predicted before Sam & Alex came, there's not much time for things like updating a blog! We are way behind, but I'll just quickly share their personalities as of right now.

Sam - "Little Birdy" has become very determined. If he sees something he wants, he gets it! Poor Alex is sometimes holding 'it', but he usually shares without a peep. Today he didn't want to give up my keys and he did cry when Sam came near. Sam LOVES pacifiers! He will take all he finds. He loves to talk, especially in daddy language which sounds like throat clearing.

Alex - "Little Monster" is always getting into something! He has lots of bumps and bruises. Today he let go of daddy and stood for a few seconds alone. I found out last week that he's been biting the finish of his crib, not good! Alex LOVES playing with balls, especially catch with daddy!

Both boys love to dance, and I've tested it out. Their bums are grooving when the music starts and they stop when I pause it. Their favorite is the MGMT station on Pandora which plays on the TV. They like most music but the MGMT songs seem to be favorites.

They love to try to pet the animals, poor Harley gets a lot of pushing and hair pulling.

They eat really well, there hasn't been anything they haven't tried. Alex usually eats everything and will pick fruit, Sam is a carbaholic like mommy. He will throw fruit on the floor to get to Cheerios!

Very happy, active boys that crawl super fast and pull up on anything (even the walls lately). They have 2 bottom teeth each that they use to bite everything in site.

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