Friday, October 14, 2011

First Blog

I'm sitting here juggling Alex with my right hand, typing with my left, and decide to blog (is that a verb?) for the first time. The boys are 9 weeks 2 days, so much for starting this 2 months ago!

Yesterday was their 2 month appointment and they got 3 shots. It was the saddest thing ever, worse than the heel prick at 2 weeks. Poor Alex had a second heel prick after the nurse tried for a long time to fill the circles. He also had a tough time with the shots this time. He's still really upset right now.

And I lost my train of thought because Harley ate dirty diapers (again). Threw off the whole night and we are now at bedtime! Lets think of anything I want to add real quick...

Sam found his tongue today and spent a lot of time sticking it out like a little lizard. Too bad he did it so quick I haven't gotten a picture yet. And Alex was finally in a good mood at bedtime, gave lots of huge smiles and took forever to fall asleep.

Since I finally got started on this, I'll add all my other notes starting tomorrow!



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