Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 Weeks!

Writing every day is unrealistic, so I'm going to try for every Wednesday, the day Sam & Alex were born. Today they are 10 weeks old, double digits! They are really starting to interact with us, its so much fun.  Even if someone is crying the other is usually laughing or cooing. They have started playing with their tongues, too. Usually its just a dart out, hard to get a picture. Yesterday I propped Alex up in the corner of the couch and he just looked around for a while before nodding (literally) off!

Today we went to my favorite place here, Cupcakes Y'all with our friends Jen and Rachel & Layla. Sam looked at Alex and smiled today! And Alex grabbed Sam's hand while nursing today!

Some back dates:

17 - Sam's 1st drool
18 - Sam's 1st awake smile
19 - Alex 1st smile as he fell asleep
20 - Alex smiled after kiss
25 - Alex & Sam smiled the same time at me
26 - 4 am, Sam smiley and cood

4 - 1st bedtime story, Make Way for Ducklings. Alex stared at me the whole time

First Vacation!
Friday, the 7th, we drove to Mayport, Jacksonville Fl to stay at the Navy Lodge. Jesse was very excited to see the base, but unfortunately the weather was really bad. We went to Atlantic Beach that night and ate at Al's Pizza, Sam & Alex's first restaurant.  They did great, Alex woke up and ate and I held him while Sam slept the whole time. The next morning the weather wasn't any better so we drove to Panama City to try our luck there. We stayed on another navy base and that night we went to Schooner's. It was a really loud restaurant/bar on the beach and both boys slept through the whole thing. For the 1st time, Alex rubbed his eyes and Sam blew bubbles, both in their sleep! On Sunday we went to St Andrew's State Park and Sam & Alex went to the beach for the first time. Jesse carried Alex in the Ergo and I carried Sam in the Moby, it was the first time for those outside the house. Sam slept the whole time even when we sat on a towel and Alex stared at everything around us. Later we went to Destin where I made it through 3 stores before the boys started screaming. We fed them and went to dinner at P.F. Chang's. They slept through that too!
Vacation was hard because Alex & Sam ate A LOT! And we spent a lot of time in the car trying to vacation in Jacksonville. The boys did really well and we are hoping to try a day beach trip before we leave Alabama.

I have to get to bed now, but I will be adding other "1st" dates later when I pull that paper.

Friday, October 14, 2011


First Blog

I'm sitting here juggling Alex with my right hand, typing with my left, and decide to blog (is that a verb?) for the first time. The boys are 9 weeks 2 days, so much for starting this 2 months ago!

Yesterday was their 2 month appointment and they got 3 shots. It was the saddest thing ever, worse than the heel prick at 2 weeks. Poor Alex had a second heel prick after the nurse tried for a long time to fill the circles. He also had a tough time with the shots this time. He's still really upset right now.

And I lost my train of thought because Harley ate dirty diapers (again). Threw off the whole night and we are now at bedtime! Lets think of anything I want to add real quick...

Sam found his tongue today and spent a lot of time sticking it out like a little lizard. Too bad he did it so quick I haven't gotten a picture yet. And Alex was finally in a good mood at bedtime, gave lots of huge smiles and took forever to fall asleep.

Since I finally got started on this, I'll add all my other notes starting tomorrow!

